# Test Templates
This page contains templates for creating tests. The template syntax
is compatible with several popular editors including TextMate, Sublime
Text, and emacs' YASnippet mode.
Templates for filenames are also given. In this case `{}` is used to
delimit text to be replaced and `#` represents a digit.
## Reftests
### HTML test
${1:Test title}
${4:Test content}
Filename: `{test-topic}-###.html`
### HTML reference
${1:Reference title}
${3:Reference content}
Filename: `{description}.html` or `{test-topic}-###-ref.html`
### SVG test
``` xml
Filename: `{test-topic}-###.svg`
### SVG reference
``` xml
Filename: `{description}.svg` or `{test-topic}-###-ref.svg`
## testharness.js tests
### HTML
``` html
${1:Test title}
Filename: `{test-topic}-###.html`
### HTML with [testdriver automation](testdriver)
``` html
${1:Test title}
Filename: `{test-topic}-###.html`
### SVG
``` xml
Filename: `{test-topic}-###.svg`
### Manual Test
#### HTML
``` html
${1:Test title}
Filename: `{test-topic}-###-manual.html`
#### SVG
``` xml
Filename: `{test-topic}-###-manual.svg`