According to HTML's navigate algorithm, requests to javascript: URLs should inherit the cross-origin opener policy of the active document. To observe this, each subtest uses the following procedure.

  1. create popup with a given COOP (the parentCOOP)
  2. navigate the popup to a javascript: URL (the new document is expected to inherit the parentCOOP)
  3. from the popup, create a second popup window with a given COOP (the childCOOP)

Both popup windows inspect state and report back to the test.

    .---- test ----.
    | open(https:) |
    |  parentCOOP  |   .----- subject -------.
    |      '---------> | --------.           |
    |              |   |         v           |
    |              |   | assign(javascript:) |
    |              |   |  (COOP under test)  |
    |              |   |         |           |
    |              |   |    open(https:)     |
    |              |   |     childCOOP       |    .- child -.
    |              |   |         '--------------> |         |
    |              |   '---------------------'    '---------'
    |              |             |                     |
    |  validate    | <--status---+---------------------'