Pass | files for input type=hidden | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=text | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=search | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=tel | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=url | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=email | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=password | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=date | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=month | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=week | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=time | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=datetime-local | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=number | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=range | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=color | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=checkbox | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=radio | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=submit | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=image | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=reset | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=button | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should be null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:38:5) | Pass | assert_equals(null, null, "files should remain null as it cannot be set when it does not apply")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:41:5) |
Pass | files for input type=file | Asserts runPass | assert_not_equals(object "[object FileList]", null)
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:48:3) | Pass | assert_true(true, "files should be a FileList")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:49:3) | Pass | assert_equals(object "[object FileList]", object "[object FileList]", "files should return the same object")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:51:3) |
Pass | setting <input type=file>.files | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(object "[object FileList]", object "[object FileList]", "FileList should not be copied")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:62:3) | Pass | assert_equals(object "[object FileList]", object "[object FileList]", "FileList can be shared across input elements")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:63:3) | Pass | assert_equals(object "[object FileList]", object "[object FileList]", "files cannot be set to null")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:66:3) | Pass | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "() => i1.files = []", "files cannot be set to an array")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:68:3) | Pass | assert_throws_js(function "function TypeError() { [native code] }", function "() => i1.files = [new File([], "x")]", "files cannot be set to an array (even when it contains File objects)")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:69:3) |
Pass | setting <input type=file>.files from DataTransfer | Asserts runPass | assert_equals(object "[object FileList]", object "[object FileList]", "FileList should not be copied")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:80:3) | Pass | assert_equals(object "[object FileList]", object "[object FileList]", "FileList can be shared across input / DataTransfer")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/files.html:81:3) |